歡迎訪問- 無錫朗盼環境科技有限公司 的官方網站!
服務熱線:0510-8595 2913
Congratulations to our company (Wuxi LongHope Environmental Technology Co., LTD.) winning the bidding! LongHope Environmental defeated all competitors with rich experience, strong technology strength and good corporate reputation in the Reckitt Benckiser Dettol ZLD project bidding.
LongHope Environmental takes good quality and service as the foundation principle,wins the bid for wastewater treatment projects continuously in the highly competitive industry this year.
這一方面是企業綜合競爭力的實力體現,同時也是客戶的充分認可的結果。對此,朗盼環境將會全力以赴,始終秉承“ 讓人類生活更美好”的企業使命,“誠信、專業”的經營理念,專注于每一個客戶服務,用過硬的產品質量和優質的方案加速推進企業經營工作優質高效發展。
This is not only the symble of enterprise competitiveness, but also the result of customer recognition. LongHope Environmental sticks to the original intention, makes good service to every client,improves the company work.
無錫朗盼環境科技有限公司是一家集研發、生產、銷售為一體的高新技術公司。主要生產低溫熱泵真空蒸發器和結晶器等污水處理設備、以高濃高鹽廢水蒸發處理、液態危險廢棄物濃縮減量和物料資 源化回收為主營業務,為客戶提供工業污水零排放低溫蒸發技術整 體解決方案。公司積極響應國家號召,秉承著“綠色環保,節能 減排”的企業愿景,全力推動企業向科技創新、品牌創新的方向發展 是國內第一家研發、制造低溫熱泵蒸發器、第一個申請發明專利的廠 家。并取得多項國家發明、實用專利及軟著證書40余項及江蘇省工業與信息化廳新技術新產品認定證書。
LongHope Environmental is committed to R&D and manufacturing heat pump low-temperature evaporation equipment. Our focus is on the high concentration&high salt wastewater evaporation, the hazardous liquid reduction and the precious metal recycling. Besides, we can provide a turnkey and customized solution for clients. What's more, we had cooperated with many famous Chinese universities to establish laboratory,in which the Low-Temp heat pump evaporators and crystallizers have been successful developed. We have received more than 40 national inventions, utility patents and soft certificates, and passed the new technology and new product identification of Industry and Information Technology Department, Jiangsu Province.
未來,無錫朗盼環境科技有限公司將發揮協同 效應,觀大勢、顧大局、謀長遠。始終以超高設備質量和優質方案 為第一核心競爭力,為產品賦能。在綠色環保、節能減排的夢想藍 圖上持續添磚加瓦貢獻企業力量。
LongHope Environmental always takes ultra-high equipment quality and high-quality solutions as the first core competitiveness,continues to fight for the environmental protection and energy saving.